Saturday 27 September 2008

Whitchurch Country Park and Greenfields Nature Reserve

Wildlife volunteers planted these apples for the water voles.

Click to enlarge and see all the cut-off stalks - classic water vole.

The steps through the woods which volunteers installed earlier this year.

My friend at White Lion Meadow.

I was astonished and dismayed to hear a local councillor refer to Whitchurch Country Park this week as "a complete disgrace". Volunteers have been working all year on the nature reserve, installing steps and handrails, a cattle drinker, a pond, information boards and seating, amongst other improvements. I wrote earlier this year about the amazing diversity of wildlife to be found around this area of the Staggsbrook, and the richness that leaving a small wild area creates. Today, for instance, the place was full of butterflies, even though we're into autumn, and there's still water vole feeding to be seen. I can't tell you how beautiful the place is, and how many people enjoy visiting it.

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